Beverly and Dillish cannot participate in this week's Head of House challenge.
Big Brother certainly doesn't waste time! As soon as the 'Power of No'
twist was announced this morning, the wheels were set in motion for the
first ever banishment decision.
The Housemates were requested to walk out into the sunshine and pick a
card on a table set up in the garden. You could almost smell the sense
of urgency as the Rubies attempted to hold themselves back from running
towards the table laden with a stack of cards. However, everyone
contained themselves, calmly walked in single file and picked a card of
their choice.
When Cleo was announced the winner - because she had picked the Ace of
Spades - there were no pleasantries or air kisses directed her way.
Unperturbed by the snub, the Zambian then marched into the Diary Room
and swiftly banished Beverly from this week's HoH Task.
In the Diamond House, Hakeem was lucky enough to pick the Ace of Spades.
The Zimbabwean seemed to be having a bit of difficulty with his choice
in the Diary Room and after much prompting and prodding from Big
Brother; he finally chose to exclude Dillish.
Hakeem doesn't seem to like Dillish much because she also made his list
of Eviction Nominees on Monday morning. After scoring a high number of
Nominations for the rest of the House, Dillish is facing the Eviction
chop this week. Should Africa save her from the gallows this Sunday, she
might still be in danger of being put up for possible Eviction again
next week.
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