Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Yesterday, i met an old friend of mine. It's been four years or more since i last saw her. It was nobody's fault. Somehow, we lost contact which is what always happen i life. All of sudden, you are sitting there on a sunday morning, drinking coffee and thinking "I wonder what happened to so and so" and then you find them on facebook. Apparently, they have been there all along.
It makes  me sad to think of all the wonderfulpeople i have met in life and lost just because i never made enough too effort to find them. Most times, you take numbers,email addresses and you promise to reach each other,"we will keep    n touch and then you never do.All that is left will be the memory f someone who could have been a very good friend.How many of such people have i lost in life?It's unbelieveable when i think about it. I constantly meet all kinds of people on busses,taxis,bookshops,libraries,concerts and of course the internet.You meet a kindred spirit and think "wow! There are more like me out there, the world is not sure a lonely place after all!" and then of course, you never become real friends and the world becomes a lonely place again.
Most of the time prides comes in our way.We have probably tried a couple of times to get in touch. We perhaps called or emailed and never received a satisfactory response and then we get angry and say "if he/she does not call me back, then i am not going to call again!" and that is whereit will probably die. We forget that the other person is probably as insecure as we are, who knows what life situations people face in thier daily lives? who knows who knows if right at that moment they are in the hospital or taking a shit in the middle of the desert? we don't know these things. Nobody sits by thier phones all they waiting for you to call (except you are a love struck teenager), life is happening every single second.
Recently i met someone i thought could be a friend. I did my part, i called, i sent texts, i invited him out a couple of times but something always gets in the way. I could feel that old resentment building up, "why am i always the one trying ?" Anyway i thought i have done my part and could not do more for the matter. I was ready to throw in the towel and erase him from my list of potential friends. However when i thought about it "what exactly was i been mad about?"
The feeling of rejection. Ah! Human beings do insane hings when they are feel rejected. All of a sudden the person that never answer your call becomes a mortal enemy.It's a sick thing, but back to the topic. No need to attach emotion crazy emotions behind every simple task in life. There is no need to be afraid of rejection or whatever other feelings that might arise when someone does not return your calls or show as much enthusiasm for a friendship as much as you do. It does not make you the weaker person but, instead look at yourself as the the stronger person for being the one that constantly strieves for the beauty of life . Friendship is part of what makes life beautiful and wonderful. Without friendship, the world can be a very lonely place.
Do not be shy about getting in touch with your friends even i you have not hear from them in years. Life is too short to not have meaningul friendships. Get on facebook, pick up your phone, write a letter, do whatever but find that long lost friend. I promise you, it will be worth the effort.

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